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The primary objective of WP8 is to deliver sensors and sensor platforms, and to integrate them with the CITI-SENSE data and services platform (from WP7), to meet the needs of the CITI-SENSE empowerment initiatives.
The secondary objectives of this WP are to:
• Provide methods and generic frameworks to support integration of different sensors and sensor platforms within the project and beyond.the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS);
• Integrate, enhance, and validate innovative community-based environmental monitoring sensor platforms, to automatically collect, process and transfer sensor data to the CITI-SENSE data and services platform using Internet based protocols, which enables sensor platforms to form part of the “Internet of Things” (IoT);
• Integrate and deliver highly portable “mobile” sensor solutions based on the use of a sensor “accessory” and smartphone internal sensors and connectivity;
• Integrate and deliver static sensor solutions with suitable gateways between the sensor platforms and the CITI-SENSE data and services platform;
• Integrate and utilise existing citizen’s devices (e.g. smartphone, Wi-Fi router, etc) in the CITI-SENSE network, where possible.

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